Monday, February 14, 2011

French Films and Julia Child

This week UWM had a slew of French films-for free! I saw 3 of them, including "Little Nicholas", which was hilarious. The day I saw that, Roger saw the Fine Arts Quartet-free this year. Yesterday I saw another film-a documentary- and then went to our friend Carol's house for a "Julia & Julie" inspired feast. Everyone brought dishes from Julia Child's cookbook. Everything was great. Back to teaching today. I'll try to catch a free film at UWM today. I do spend $1.50 on popcorn-a weakness-but it's a bargain price compared to for-profit theaters. ;)


  1. So I assume you are fluent in French?

    How is your class schedule this semester?


  2. I did take a semester of French, but I can read English subtitles. :)
