Saturday, December 17, 2011
Festivus For the Rest of Us
We went to the Art Museum last night for their MAM After Dark Festivus celebration. Free appetizers. We wrote out our grievances and posted them. We had a weight-lifting contest for our 1st feat of strength-I won. Then we played WII-bowling and Roger won. We passed on the Sumo wrestling and thus had a tie. After, we went to the Noble-a new retro restaurant and shared a pizza and some inexpensive wine. Tonight's a free party in BayView. I'm sending out free Xmas cards-the ones charities try to guilt you into buying-I just use them and their mailing labels. I give money to the charities I pick!
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 Tips to Spend Less and Save More
This was a great, common sense article from Yahoo! Finance. How many of the suggestions can you use?
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Happy Halloween!
Well, I was trying to take a nap, but the MKE trick or treaters are out in force. Luckily I stopped by Pick N' Save and picked up some candy. I went with the cheaper generic candy, but didn't want to disappoint the kiddies. We went to a costume party last night-we brought a bottle of wine and munched on free food and had free mixed drinks. The costumes were recycled from last year's $10 costume purchased at a clothing store that was going out of business. Tonight is Ned's house for a pasta and sardine recipe he wants to try on us-he recently went to Italy and is trying out some dishes he had there. A cheap finish to a relatively cheap weekend-the major cost was on Friday: we used a Groupon at Transfer which helped offset the bottle of wine we had with our pizza-well we had to have wine!
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I never |
Monday, October 24, 2011
Florentine Opera Camerata
Florentine Opera Camerata hosted a free performance and free food at the room last night. We hadn't eaten dinner, so this was a great, relaxing way to end the evening. I'll make sure to take advantage of this again. :)
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Fall Gallery Night 2011
We started out at the Grohmann Museum at MSOE for a great photographic exhibit of trains from the 40s through 70s. Entrance was free for Gallery night and they serve great appetizers-wine was $4, so we skipped it. :)
Then on to the condos at 1st place on the river, across the bridge into the 3rd Ward. Our dentist is in the building and had some photos, glass work and free appetizers, 'natch. :) An 11th floor condo was open-spectacular views of downtown and free champagne. Met up with some friends at Tulip, the Turkish restaurant. We had a Groupon, so had a bottle of wine and appetizers. Then went to Walker's Point Center for the arts. A phenomenal Day of the dead exhibit. Here's a picture of a Marilyn Monroe wannabe.
Next was Humboldt Park to see their pumpkin carving display-a huge number of pumpkins. They also had a band playing some sort of rock, folk art.
Got a little chilly so heade to Thief Wine in the public market-we had a gift certificate so had a carafe of wine.
Last stop was the pfister, where Shelby Keefe, the artist in residence, was painting. It was nearing 11pm by now, so took a quick walk around the 2nd floor of the Pfister looking at old pictures and artifacts before heading back to Brewer's Hill.
Then on to the condos at 1st place on the river, across the bridge into the 3rd Ward. Our dentist is in the building and had some photos, glass work and free appetizers, 'natch. :) An 11th floor condo was open-spectacular views of downtown and free champagne. Met up with some friends at Tulip, the Turkish restaurant. We had a Groupon, so had a bottle of wine and appetizers. Then went to Walker's Point Center for the arts. A phenomenal Day of the dead exhibit. Here's a picture of a Marilyn Monroe wannabe.
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Got a little chilly so heade to Thief Wine in the public market-we had a gift certificate so had a carafe of wine.
Last stop was the pfister, where Shelby Keefe, the artist in residence, was painting. It was nearing 11pm by now, so took a quick walk around the 2nd floor of the Pfister looking at old pictures and artifacts before heading back to Brewer's Hill.
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Secret to Living Well on $20,000 a Year
I like articles like this in Yahoo! Finance. I use them to get ideas about where I can cut corners. I was able to live pretty comfortably last year at around 30-some K. Now that I'm making more, I see that I'm starting to splurge a bit, so have to be careful. I'm putting money in my 401K again, and saving for unforseen expenses. We went to Chicago yesterday for the opera and ate at a BYOB wine place. For $38 we had a great meal for 2 and leftovers (in the old days we would have spent well over $100). Plus, my Yaris fit into a small parking space some behemoth of a car tried to get into. Another reason to get a cheap, small car. :)
Monday, September 26, 2011
At the Movies with Todd
I've been volunteering at Milwaukee Film so I can get vouchers for films. Now I just have to find time to go. :)
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Todd goes to church...for free food!
I always pick Roger up from church on Sunday. Lately I've been going in to catch the end of their coffee hour. The coffee isn't very good and the cookies are store-bought, but it'e free. :) Today they're having a picnic, so the food should be better. We went to our neighborhood church's grand opening of their new school addition. The food was great. Via Downer bruschetta and pizza. Some decent wine, rum and bourbon from Great Lakes Distillery-I was in heaven. ;)
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Last night, Friday, we went to Pantherfest at Summerfest. Free food from Whole Foods. Beer/wine was $6.50, unfortunately. We also had free admittance to Indian Summer and their beers were $5.50. :) Parking was free-we parked on the street. Tonight we're going to Tosafest. Free, but will probably pay too much in beers. :) Tomorrow we plan on seeing a free movie at UWM and the popcorn is only $1.50. :)
Monday, September 5, 2011
Laborious Day
Today, Labor Day, we're going to a cookout. Went to one last night at my friend Dan's House, and Saturday at Hope's. Roger has been tricking me into going to the grocery store with him and then sticking me with the bill. I went to the gym today so he'd have to pay-he's very sneaky, I'll have to watch him. The MKE Film festival is coming up-I plan on volunteering so I get free tickets and also get invited to the volunteer party! Last Wednesday we went to a preview film for MKE film-part of my member benefits. I'm trying to use my memberships at Milwaukee Art Museum and MKE Film to make sure I get all the benefits in excess of the individual admissions-so far, so good. This week I start teaching at UWM-Monday through Thursday nights. It's extra cash, I like doing it, but I'm sure I'll be real tired. I'll let you know how it goes.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Spend less, have more!
I just listened to this week's installment on NPR of Kevin Mckiney. He always ends his show with those words. I listen to him and also Zorba Paster while taking my weekend naps-funny how I miss half the show however. :) They are both good common sense money and health shows. My New Year's resolution has been "fiscal and physical fitness" for many years, probably because I have trouble doing either! :) Now that I have a full-time job and get paid for the first time next week, I'm going to have to resist the urge to regain my spendthrift ways! Will I be able to do it? Stay tuned!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
A New Beginning
I started a new job this week-it has benefits and a pension and health care. The pay is much lower compared to what I used to make, so my frugal habits of the past 2 years should come in handy. I spent too much at State Fair last night, including $5 for fried beer (which wasn't too good). I did use some half price tickets, so that's my rationale. :) Today we're heading down to the Third Ward for Summer Sizzle, which is free, but will probably spend some money on lunch snacks and a beer or wine, I'm sure. Tonight is a patio round robin in Brewer's hill. $10 for the two us and each of five patio stops will have drinks and appetizers, so I'll probably come out ahead with this one. :) Here's to my future frugality!
Monday, July 11, 2011
A Frugal Weekend
Friday night I went to a Brewer's game, for free, of course! A friend's law firm had a tailgate party. Lots of great food, and drinks, and the weather was great. After the game we went downtown and shared some sparkling wine on the rooftop of cafe Benelux-a great view of the third ward.
We had some great collaborative meals over the weekend. Lots of good food at a reasonable price. While shopping at Metro Market, especially on weekends, I take advantage of all the free samples. This weekend had free salad, wine tastings, cheese tastings, some great whole grain bread. Tonight, Monday, I'm going to a free screening at the Oriental. Not sure how I'm score a free meal out of this-may have to dip into a Groupon or find somebody I know to buy me some popcorn. :)
We had some great collaborative meals over the weekend. Lots of good food at a reasonable price. While shopping at Metro Market, especially on weekends, I take advantage of all the free samples. This weekend had free salad, wine tastings, cheese tastings, some great whole grain bread. Tonight, Monday, I'm going to a free screening at the Oriental. Not sure how I'm score a free meal out of this-may have to dip into a Groupon or find somebody I know to buy me some popcorn. :)
Friday, July 8, 2011
A Frugal Summerfest
I had 2 free tickets to Summerfest and the weather was beautiful, so we decided to go to Summerfest. We parked free outside the Public Market in a loading zone spot that opened up at 6pm-perfect timing. On our walk in we sold one ticket for $7, since Roger can get in free. We pocketed $4, which helped because Roger dropped his first beer! :( We walked over to information where we picked up our free small Journal/Sentinel replica and also got $20 off our subscription-didn't know they did that at Summerfest. At the Frontier Airlines we spun the wheel and I got a chocolate chip cookie and Roger got a $5 debit card. Unfortunately (for us) the person in front of us got $248 in a voucher. We both got coupons for $20 off our next flight. We found relief from the walking on the 2nd floor of the Waterstreet Brewery restaurant-maybe the old people scare the kids off? We sat up there for a while enjoying the breeze and resting our feet and drinking a beer and eating a soft pretzel before venturing off. On the way past the Miller stage we caught "Here Come the Mummies"-a great Latin-infused, Ska, Funk band that was real high energy. We left and used a Groupon at Karma on the Eastside, where we sat outside and shared a Greek burger and some sangria. A fairly reasonable evening indeed. Tonight I'm going to a free Brewer's game. A friend's law firm is having a free buffet and drinks at the tailgate party and tickets to the game. I just have to watch my beer spending once I get in the stadium. :)
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Here Come the Mummies |
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Back from San Francisco
As usual, we stayed at our friend Gary's house, so no hotel costs. We shared some meals out and had the last meal at a friend's house where we had a collaborative meal. I got us in the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art with my Milwaukee art museum membership, so that saved us $50. I picked up a class at Carroll University, but won't be paid until the end of August, so will start depleting my savings. I'd like to visit Becky in NY, but will have to use airline mileage to accomplish that one-lets see if I do. :) Summerfest starts tonight. I got a free ticket by attending an early event. Roger gets in for $3-the advantage of getting old. ;)
Friday, June 3, 2011
The Summer of Todd!
Well, no teaching at UWM this Summer, so I'll have to go into super frugal mode. We'll see how I do. I'll update the blog as my savings slowly dwindle. I need a super Groupon! My goal is to concentrate on getting my stuff together-hopefully doing better than George Costanza did. :)
George: I'm really going to do something with these three months.
Jerry: Like what?
George: I'm gonna read a book. From beginning to end. In that order.
Jerry: I've always wanted to do that...
George: I'm gonna play frolf.
Jerry: You mean golf?
George: Frolf, frisbee golf Jerry. Golf with a frisbee. This is gonna be my time. Time to taste the fruits and let the juices drip down my chin. I proclaim this: The Summer of George!
Jerry: Like what?
George: I'm gonna read a book. From beginning to end. In that order.
Jerry: I've always wanted to do that...
George: I'm gonna play frolf.
Jerry: You mean golf?
George: Frolf, frisbee golf Jerry. Golf with a frisbee. This is gonna be my time. Time to taste the fruits and let the juices drip down my chin. I proclaim this: The Summer of George!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Riverwest Spaces and Traces Walking Tour
Saturday was the Historic Milwaukee Spaces and Traces walking tour of the Riverwest area. Luckily there was a Groupon for this so I snatched it up-glad I didn't get my ticket early. :) One of the houses we toured was Thallis Drake's house (featured in last week's Journal/Sentinel). Roger knows her from an early music program she founded. We took a lunch break and shared an omelet at Stonefly Brewery which was packed because of the walk. They were so busy one of the bartenders left a bloody mary, unspoken for, in front of me. The frugal part of me wanted to take it-I asked a few times but got no response. ;( After a few more houses-we'd been at this since 9am and now it was 2pm-we went to Waterford wine for a free Rose' tasting. We finshed the last few houses, and went to a fundraiser my niece was having-Cookies for Kids' Cancer Bake Sale. I got a big bag of cookes for only $10. Now I have to give them away so I don't eat them all! :) Sunday we went to the Haggerty art museum-the last day of a great photgraphy exhibit. The Haggerty is always free-a real gem of a museum in Milwaukee. Tonight heading to Ned's for leftovers-Roger doesn't approve (some beans and potato salad from a party), but I do-it's free. Plus, plenty of wine! :)
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Casa Happiness
Update: The exhibit was mention in the Shepherd Express in July.
We went to the Portrait Gallery last night where our friend Joe Drinka's aunt had a showing of old Kodachrome slides from her 1957 honeymoon in Cuba. Free mojitos, plantains, and other Cuban-style food was served-free of course! :)
We went to the Portrait Gallery last night where our friend Joe Drinka's aunt had a showing of old Kodachrome slides from her 1957 honeymoon in Cuba. Free mojitos, plantains, and other Cuban-style food was served-free of course! :)
“Casa Happiness” a collection of printed Kodachrome slides of local attorney Judy Drinka’s 1957 honeymoon in Cuba. Ms. Drinka was 19 years old and had never been out of the country. Her new husband, Martin, was a camera buff who took many slides during their three-week trip.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
There is such a thing as a free lunch...
UWM Alumni Association had a free lunch Wednesday sponsored by Beans and Barley-great healthy food at the right price. :) I went to a Summerfest release party that night and got a free ticket to opening day-who's going to spend $15 just to go and spend more money. :) Roger gets in for $3, but I'm not at his advanced age yet. ;) Friday night we went to an event for the Gathering (where Roger volunteers cooking once a month). They had sandwiches which I ate for a pre-dinner snack. Met my friend Dan and his son Doug at Sugar Maple and Dan bought some beers-thanks Dan! :) Dinner was at Transfer where we shared a pizza and a bottle of wine. Saturday was the Kentucky Derby which we watched at the Iron Horse Hotel. I got two free mint juleps ($10 each) because the service was so slow-I'll have to remember that trick. ;) Today, Mother's Day, I'm taking my mom to our friend Ned's house. Roger and Ned are cooking her favorite meal-spaghetti and meatballs. Knowing Ned & Roger it will be the haute cuisine version for sure!
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Sunday, May 1, 2011
Financial Literacy Party!
April was Financial Literacy Month, so the party's over. :( WI is leading the coalition to financial literacy due to the Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy. Every Tuesday morning I listen to the Joy Cardin show on WPR. She and financial planner Kevin McKinley celebrated Financial Literacy Month last Tuesday. If I miss the show, I listen to her archives. He has great, common sense advice, and, most importantly-he's funny. Important to me, I guess! ;) I specially listen to advice on spending, planning for retirement, and budgeting.
Today I'm going to UWM to see a free Italian movie (with free parking and cheap popcorn), then over to our friend Ned's for a nutritious dinner. I won't tell you what I did Friday night since it involved spending too much money going out. Though we did split a meal at Emeror of China and did use a coupon yesterday for Indian food. I'm punishing myself this afternoon by staying home and blogging and doing schoolwork. I really should get out and exercise, but it's easier to sit inside and watch the cat sleep. ;)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Easter Weekend
Friday Roger went to a free wine tasting and didn't invite me! We got a free bone scan at Whole Foods before heading out-at least one thing not wrong with me, yet! We went for 2-for-1 drinks at a local bar where we know the bartender. Then out to dinner and used a Groupon. Saturday morning was a groupon for Brewed Awakenings on Brady Street-2 cappuccinos and a breakfast burrito. Saturday afternoon was a free tasting at Thief Wine in Shorewood. Brunch at Joannes' tomorrow. Not sure what else is in store. Hopefully the Easter bunny will bring us some goodies!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Another Gallery Night
Spring Gallery Night was a was washout-literally. It was pouring when Roger & I met up with our friend Ned at Blutstein Brondino Fine Art in the Marshall Building (Ned knows the owner). We had some free snacks while talking to the owners. No free artwork tho. :) We went back to the car-parking was free for the first hour at the covered lot in the public market. We drove over to Walker's Point Center for the Arts and met up with our friend Jeri-she knows the owner there. They had some great labor inspired block prints (an example below). After a quick dinner at MONA's-we know the bartender-we went back to the public market for a carafe of wine and then to the Art Museum for MAM After Dark-free for members. Our membership is much cheaper than paying each time since we go monthly-and it's tax deductible! UWM & MIAD art students were presenting their projects-very interesting work. Saturday was the free open house at the Peck School of the Arts-a once a year public open house. You get to see art students and faculty in their studios. At night we went to the UWM cinema for a low-cost Italian film (since we are staff) and then to the Pabst theatre where we saw Peter Yarrow (of Peter, Paul, and Mary) for free since Roger is one of the ushers there.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
UWM Latin American Film Series
We went to the MKE LGBT Community Center monthly TGIF! party at BTW lounge and had some free appetizers and pizza before heading to UWM. BTW just opened recently in a great space in the Third Ward with high beamed ceilings like you'd expect. At UWM we parked for free in the Union-typically free Friday and Saturday nights and all day Sunday. The movie was the last in the free Latin American film series. Roger & I liked it, but a friend thought it was slow going. Of course, we had their cheap popcorn. $1.50 for a bag VS $5.50 at the Oriental-where I never get popcorn for the free movies I go to there. :) After the movie we went to the MKE Public Market for some wine and found we had credit so drank a carafe of Rioja for "free". Today I'm heading to Alterra and then hopefully West Allis Cheese Market's grand opening on Oakland-free samples, I'm sure! The WAC is having Super Saturday so will head over for freebies.
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Bad Day to Go Fishing (Mal día para pescar) |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Wine tasting, minor celebrities and more!
Friday night we went to the opening of Gold's Gym in Milwaukee. Free beer, wine, and food from Sabor steakhouse in Milwaukee (I can't afford to pay to eat there). After our tour we got a goody bag (gym bag) with a towel, t-shirt, and a coupon for a free drink at Bar Louie. Also, as befits a grand opening, we saw some minor celebrities: Kato Kaelin of OJ fame, and American Idol contestant Stephanie Schimel sang.
After, we went to Waterford wine for a free wine maker tasting. Then on to another bar where we met up with friends and finally to Molly Cool's where I used a Groupon.
Saturday is free wine tasting at Thief Wine in Shorewood. After the tasting, we went to see Mauritius with our friend Ned at Milwaukee Chamber Theatre . We got rush tickets, which are half off. The play ended and we went to a friend's for a free dinner, and, of course, more wine!
Monday night was another meal at a friend's house-he wanted to use up leftover quiche, veggies and wine. Tuesday I met my friend Jeri at the public market. We shared a pita at Aladdin's and sampled freebies at the different vendors. Parking is free, of course. ;)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Mad City and the Oscars
Roger and I drove to Madison yesterday with Ned and his friend Liz. It was Roger's Birthday. What better way to spend a birthday than stand outside in 15 degree weather! :) Luckily we did not know that. We saw Peter of Peter, Paul and Mary perform. That was great and free (but cold). Also performers from West Wing and the Guiding Light spoke-the West Wing guy is from Madison. After we went to Joe's house for Turkey Chili and lots of wine-both helped us warm up.
Tonight we're going to Ned's to watch the Oscar's on his big screen TV. He's making mushroom lasagna and (in his words) "Really Old Fashioned Marinated Rib-eye~ (alla Venetziana)". We saw the Illusionist this afternoon in preparation-using a Landmark Theater gift card, of course. :)
Tonight we're going to Ned's to watch the Oscar's on his big screen TV. He's making mushroom lasagna and (in his words) "Really Old Fashioned Marinated Rib-eye~ (alla Venetziana)". We saw the Illusionist this afternoon in preparation-using a Landmark Theater gift card, of course. :)
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Can you see Roger and me? We're in front of the capitol. Think "Where's Waldo"! |
Monday, February 14, 2011
French Films and Julia Child
This week UWM had a slew of French films-for free! I saw 3 of them, including "Little Nicholas", which was hilarious. The day I saw that, Roger saw the Fine Arts Quartet-free this year. Yesterday I saw another film-a documentary- and then went to our friend Carol's house for a "Julia & Julie" inspired feast. Everyone brought dishes from Julia Child's cookbook. Everything was great. Back to teaching today. I'll try to catch a free film at UWM today. I do spend $1.50 on popcorn-a weakness-but it's a bargain price compared to for-profit theaters. ;)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Blizzard of 2011
Most of Wednesday was spent shoveling out. Restaurants were closed so we went to Metro Market (which was packed, but shelves were empty) and picked up some pork chops. We had dinner at home and watched DVR'd shows and drank wine. Thursday night Roger had a cooking class at the public market. I met up with him afterwards and used a Groupon for Palms bistro. Had calamari appetizer and pasta with shrimp and a bottle of wine. Friday night we went to a free Scotch tatsing at Waterford Wine, then to a free French film at UWM. Dinner after-leftovers from Thursday's cooking class at the Public Market. It was Chinese food, so had lots of that-and more wine, of course! Saturday we went to Thief Wine in Shorewood for a free wine tasting. Then I went to our friend Ned's house-he had a group over and made homemade lasagna-yum! Sunday is the Super Bowl. I'll have to find someplace that has free food! :) Roger's going to see the Fine Arts Quartet at UWM-free this year. I may go to another free French film first-he'll probably catch up after that.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
January coming to a close
We went to Galley night with my friend Jeri and ended up getting our pics taken (drinking free wine, natch):
My niece was also working the event for Fuel Milwaukee.
Not a lot of other free things going on. Need to use up some groupons that are going to start expiring soon. UWM Spring session started so want to see some cheap, but good, flix at the union theatre. Haven't won any free tix lately, but not for lack of trying! ;)
My niece was also working the event for Fuel Milwaukee.
Not a lot of other free things going on. Need to use up some groupons that are going to start expiring soon. UWM Spring session started so want to see some cheap, but good, flix at the union theatre. Haven't won any free tix lately, but not for lack of trying! ;)
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Back from San Francisco
Going wine tasting tonight at Thief Wine using a Groupon! These are great-1/2 price off all kinds of things. I also just started using livingsocial. Similar concept. Our friend Joe brought over some leftover quiche, so Roger's making asparagus and, of course, we're having more wine! It's cheaper than going out, but of course, I would have used a groupon at a 1/2 price wine restaurant! :)
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