Monday, June 3, 2019

The Frugal Spendthrift Stumbles Again!

Well, my last post from a year ago taught me nothing! Still spending too much on dining out but having fun doing it. :) To be fair to myself, I have been using points for travel when possible. Switched my gym membership to a points credit card and used Trim to negotiate our cable rates. I'll have to see how I do next month.

Friday, February 2, 2018

The Frugal Spendthrift Rides Again

No teaching assignment means I have to try to control my spending. My income consists of 2 small pensions and some social security. I will probably teach again in the Fall so I have to curb  spending until then so I don't drain too much from my savings. Happy hour at Lazy Susan seemed like a good idea, but the half-priced wine pours ended up costing more than a bottle! I need to pay more attention. I was discussing all my points strategies with another points aficionado and didn't realize what I was doing. :) 

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Trying to Quantify Discounts

We had dinner at Juniper 61 in 'Tosa last Wednesday before Thanksgiving. I'm trying to put a number on the various ways we saved money. Steve thought we should have stayed home and made Ramen noodles, but then I wouldn't be a Frugal Spendthrift!

We shared a goat tart and chicken paprikash: $24. The wine was $34.

On Wednesdays, they take off $10 for wine, and also have a punch card: 12 punches one free bottle, so maybe around $3 more off, so $13 saved on wine.

I get Delta and Southwest miles, so like 5 Delta and 10 Southwest miles (haven't seen them show up yet, so guessing).

Also they use the Small Shops card, so get 3% back. So another $1.50.

So, maybe saved around $15, just by doing nothing! :)

I need to up my game and check Groupons more and make sure I frequent Small shops businesses and ones that get the Art museum memberships.

Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Frugal Spendthrift Rides Again!

OK, time to reboot the blog. I'm now coasting on my savings and working half-time. I'm half-tired! I've planned this for the last 4 years or so, and now am putting my plan into play. I did get to see the minimalists last year as I hoped. We're cutting back costs on most facets of our lives. I have a new rewards card since last update. Trying to put everything on the cards. Ready for takeoff! Here we go! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

80 Ways to Be Frugal and Save Money

Something to strive for. Stolen from The Art of Manliness website. Some look a little too tough for me-maybe when I semi-retire next year. :)

Friday, February 14, 2014

Minimalism Redux

Long time between posts. Still aiming for a minimal lifestyle. Speaking of which, I hope to see the minimalists (I posted about them previously)  when they come to Milwaukee this Summer:

The other blog I've started following is Mr. Money Mustache. He and his family live on 20K a year.

Much like being a frugal spendthrift-but more so. :)

Great suggestions that I've been trying to align to-so far, without a lot of success. :)

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Another Frugal Gallery Night

I think I outdid myself for this Gallery night compared to my last Gallery Night post. We started with a free wine tasting at Waterford Wine on Brady Street. Then to Dean Jensen, always our first stop. I park creatively (illegally) to save money, since I'm only there 15 minutes or so. Then to the Grohmann Museum at MSOE for a great exhibit on Bridge photos, plus they always have great food-mostly cheese and crackers and fruit and veggies and sweets. Then to the Marshall Building. The Portrait Society Gallery had the "Eggs Benedict" pope portrait made out of condoms-we met and talked to the artist. On the 3rd floor Mike Brenner was giving out free beer samples-he's preparing to open his new brewery, possibly in Bay View. Then to the ACLU exhibit, the Overpass Light Brigade-had great sarma and some kind of veggie balls.Then went to a free wine tasting at Vino 100 (more creative parking)-the owner of Starry night was there. Next, our dentist had some photographs that her husband made, but, more importantly, turkey and roast beef sandwiches. Last stop was Artworks  which my niece Nikki introduced us to. They had purple door ice cream and some cold pizza, since we were there too late. :( Lastly we stopped at the Pfister. The new artist in residence premiered and they had free food in the ballroom. No money spent the whole night, discounting the driving costs and Roger bought some wine, but that's his money. :)